During a period when the Tonner Doll Company still used real silk, wool, cashmere, crystals, etc., and with cheaper labor, more tailoring details, he issued the Display Dolls to high-light the outfits. In 2001, Tonner Doll Company released the first set of Display Dolls, each wearing outfits from 2000 and 2001. The dolls were dressed inhouse and varied in character and hairstyles (only Tyler and Esmé dolls were used). There was no specific count of how many were made for each style; it is believed less than 50 exist of each outfit. The dolls had gold wrist tags that said ‘Authorized Display Doll’ and the boxes also carried gold stickers saying the same thing. In 2002, in addition to the gold wrist tags, the dolls actually had printing on the box and the shippers with the name of the doll that also said, ‘Display Doll’. At the end of the program, they ran out of tags and just used the special display boxes.
The Display Dolls made for 2000/2001 are as follows:
Urban Sport - Central Park Benefit Luncheon - Madison Avenue Afternoon - Beverly Hills Chic - Shakespeare in the Park - Manhattan Music Awards - Russian Renaissance - Champagne Bubble - Weekend Retreat - Metro Chic - Uptown Paradise -
Tailleur Classique
The Display Dolls made for 2002 are as follows:
City Tweed - Lake Shore Drive - New England Excursion - Dinner with Regina - Little Luxuries (Persimmon Version Only) - Patron of the Arts - Photos of the actual dolls included in individual descriptions. CLICK ON DOLLS FOR PHOTOS OF ACTUAL DOLLS BEING SOLD.